Month: December 2013

Cinnamon Sugared Almonds

Cinnamon Sugared Almonds

I don’t mean to alarm anyone, but for the last 22 hours, 31 minutes, & 47 seconds I have been a free woman. Free from college, free from exams, & best of all, free from all the stress that comes with both college & exams. 

Pecan Linzer Cookies

Pecan Linzer Cookies

Hello friends! As I mentioned in my last post, I’m just back from visiting Munich with my best friend and The Boyf. We were there for four days, and we visited eight of the larger markets on offer, as well a handful of little huts 

Cranberry & White Chocolate Granola

Cranberry & White Chocolate Granola

Remember when I made those Caramel Apple & Pear Crumbles a while back & mentioned how my college workload was beginning to stress me out? The signs of stress were jumping out of my posts – I was grumpy, I was late putting up new posts, &