Summer Bucket List, 2020
Friends, hi! I’m so glad you’re here today – I want to start something new. I bring you: my Summer Bucket List, 2020. I’m taking a leaf out of Joy the Baker‘s book & writing down my goals for the summer months, big and small. Cheesy as you might think it is, I hope this will grow into an annual tradition of sorts, something we can look back on in years to come. One for summer, maybe one for Christmas, we’ll see how we do. Would you like to join me?
If you’re anything like Boyfriend, you might be thinking: we’re already pretty deep into summer, why bother now? Since the lockdown has been lifted somewhat, I’m ready to cautiously get out there & start enjoying the summer months. We’re a little late to the party – but I’d prefer a delayed start to my summer than Covid-19 any day.
Shall we?
Summer Bucket List, 2020
1. Hang out with my best gal-pals. Maybe bring sangria. We’ve been having video calls once a week since everything kicked off, but it’ll be extra good to see their faces in the flesh.
2. Let my greys grow out. Not forever, but for a while longer. I must admit, I’m rather intrigued by how many of them there are. Spoiler alert: it’s a lot.
3. Go for more early morning walks with Boyfriend. Walking the seafront together is one of the best things that came from our Covid-19 lockdown and I miss it so much now that I’m back at work. The solution is to get up earlier, make it happen.
4. Stay hydrated. Really more of a year ’round bucket list item, but especially relevant during these humid summer days. Also – wine counts as hydration, right?
5. Make jam! I have never gotten around to making jam. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do, but it has somehow managed to escape me for years. No more. I see a Victoria sponge with homemade jam in my future.
6. Go on a road trip. Boyfriend’s parents are very graciously taking us all to a holiday home in Kerry at the start of August. The house sits practically on the very edge of the country, overlooking Slea Head. Our drive down will feature the Into the Wild soundtrack on repeat, cookies for snacking, and a stop-over in Adare. We can’t wait!
7. Plan our first trip out of Ireland, post-Covid. We have our sights set on Bath, and I am so excited! Hopefully it’ll be sometime this year.
8. Make time to hang out with family. During lockdown we spent a lot of time with our families, paying socially distanced visits to each other in the gardens. It was truly wonderful. Now that I’m back at work and these visits are few & far between, we’ll just have to make time for them.
9. Donate blood. Donating blood is always a good idea, but more so during times when the amount of people donating is lower. Boyfriend & I are lucky enough to have been healthy for the last few months, so we really have no excuse.
10. Laugh. A lot. I will definitely be the old lady with the extra wrinkly face, but I’m okay with that as long as they’re happy lines. I got a head start on this one recently when I laugh-cried at my parents’ house. We were reminiscing about a time years ago when my mom rolled down a hill into an animal enclosure at the zoo – but that’s a story for another time.
There we have it, my Summer Bucket List! What did you think? Do we share any of the same bucket list items? Let me know in the comment section if you have any ideas of your own – I’d love to hear them!
Vicki xo
PS, the dainty pink rose above came from our garden! When we moved in four years ago I was totally uninterested in flowers & tried to cut the small rose bush down. Little did I know I had merely pruned it and made it stronger. Now, years later, I love it! Feeling eternally grateful for the stubbornness of nature, and for the stupidity of my younger self.
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